Sommercup Afd 8

Sommercup Afd 8


Asbjørn Leeth
KCK Herlev

Started and running

Distance 3B
Laps 2
Distance in total 24000 metres
Distance (lap) 12000 metres
Average lap 18:53
38.11 km/h
Fastest lap 18:27
39.01 km/h
Slowest lap 19:19
37.25 km/h
Participant (#539)
Asbjørn Leeth
KCK Herlev
Swipe horizontally to view all splits
Lap Total time
Time Pace Time Time of day
Lap 0 5:36 5:36 17:51:36
Lap 1 19:19 37.25 km/h 24:56 18:10:56
Lap 2 18:27 39.01 km/h 43:23 18:29:23
Lap times